Prodigious Vietnam have been utilizing ( for over 2 years as a review platform to get both the agency and client involved in the production approval process as early as possible. This allows for timely feedback at each stage of the post-production process. It isn’t only limited to text comments - art directors and clients can draw on and annotate the video itself, frame by frame, to communicate their ideas. This also has the huge bonus in limiting movement and enabling teams to maintain social distancing.
When announced their new C2C (Camera2Cloud) platform they described it as:
"The modern video workflow (re)defined"
Taking an already proven platform a step further, Prodigious Vietnam collaborated with and was honored to be included in their Beta Program for C2C. Prodigious Vietnam had a hand in shaping the platform further, by sharing ideas and insights on real world client scenarios from both a business, creative and tech perspective.
In today’s connected world, this platform can be accessed via all devices that connect to the internet, or are supported with apps on iOS/OSX. Audio and video both compressed and synced via the Cloud make it readily accessible by all relevant parties. Editors can now see the takes as they are being shot and kick-start the edit right away. This eliminates the time-consuming task of copying and moving physical files from the production set to the editors or client to be reviewed. This is all done remotely, without the need to be physically present for such collaboration to happen; an undeniable advantage in an eco-conscious, post-COVID world.
It represents an evolution of the production workflow, and giving our post-production teams more time to edit and craft is a huge benefit.
Prodigious were the first in Vietnam to test the new C2C platform, and it was a success. We are now planning to use it on every project moving forward. Editors love it because they can now have access to the footage much earlier. So do creatives and clients who can view the footage as it’s being shot and address any issues on set quickly and easily.